Here are a few reminders and important dates for the upcoming school year:
Families need to complete Final Forms by following this link: It’s important to update contact information, an Emergency Medical Authorization, and other information about your student. Please only request transportation for your student in Final Forms if you intend to use it. If your circumstances change and you need transportation at some point during the school year, you can always request it by contacting our transportation department.
Student fees are paid through School fees for preschool through grade 8 will be available beginning August 1. High school fees will be available after the start of the school year. PaySchools Central is also where you can add funds to your student’s lunch account or apply for free or reduced meals if your family qualifies.
If your student will be riding a bus, bus route information will be released on Monday, August 5. You will find that information on our transportation website by following this link:
Student schedules and teacher assignments will be posted on August 8 in our parent portal TigerParent.Me. If you run into any issues connecting to your student’s information, please email, and our tech team will help.
The first day of school for students with last names beginning with A-L (grades 1-12) is Wednesday, August 14. The first day of school for students with last names beginning with M-Z (grades 1-12) is Thursday, August 15. The staggered start allows teachers and students to get technology set up, work through problems, and establish new routines in smaller groups. Preschool and kindergarten families will get first day of school information directly from Loveland Early Childhood Center.
School supply lists are on our website under the “For Parents” tab, or you can find them by following this link: