Student Mental Health, Wellness & Safety
As part of our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision, we are committed to focusing on student wellness by supporting the whole child. We partner with families to provide support for student wellness, mental health, and safety.
School Counselors
School Counselors are the best place to start if your family needs support regarding student wellness, mental health, and safety.
Our school counselors are dedicated to helping students become well-rounded by guiding them through their academic, personal, social, and career development. Feel free to contact your counselor with questions or concerns.
Counseling Staff
- Loveland Early Childhood Center (PreK-Kindergarten)
- Loveland Primary School (Grades 1 & 2)
- Loveland Elementary School (Grades 3 & 4)
- Loveland Intermediate School (Grades 5 & 6)
- Loveland Middle School (Grades 7 & 8)
- Loveland High School (Grades 9-12)
Loveland Early Childhood Center (PreK-Kindergarten)
Loveland Primary School (Grades 1 & 2)
Loveland Elementary School (Grades 3 & 4)
Loveland Intermediate School (Grades 5 & 6)
Loveland Middle School (Grades 7 & 8)
Loveland High School (Grades 9-12)
School Psychology
School psychologists help schools successfully:
- Improve Academic Achievement
- Promote Positive Behavior and Mental Health
- Support Diverse Learners
- Create Safe, Positive School Climates
- Strengthen Family-School Partnerships
- Improve School-Wide Assessment and Accountability
Mental Health Services
In addition to our school counselor staff, the Loveland City School District partners with Best Point Education and Behavioral Health to provide school-based counseling services. This partnership provides students with high-quality mental health services to help ensure academic success. Best Point Education and Behavioral Health services are provided in the school, at home, or at the Best Point Education and Behavioral Health location by a licensed mental health therapist.
These optional services are available to all Loveland students and allow families the option to access a private therapist on-site at their student's school.
The therapist works with the student and parent/guardian to determine the specific plan that meets the student's needs. Concerns addressed include, but are not limited to:
- Stress/trauma
- Anxiety
- Depression/mood disorders
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) treatment
Families can cover the cost of these optional services through insurance, Medicaid, or private pay options.
Please complete this form if you would like a Best Point Education and Behavioral Health therapist to contact you to learn more about the services provided or to make an appointment for your student.
We recommend contacting your child’s school psychologist or school counselor to discuss the next steps. You can also refer directly to Best Point online- Best Point Referral link or by phone- (513) 272-2800.
Parent Resources
Please reach out to your school principal or counselor for support.
Find a summary of Loveland City School District's Mental Health Supports by following this link.
Learn more about Hope Squad by following this link.
Loveland City School District has partnered with to provide our families with additional education and support as they navigate childhood mental health challenges. Follow this link to visit for parent coaching resources, video courses, and answers from licensed therapists.
The links below are provided as a resource to Loveland families and do not constitute an endorsement or approval by the Loveland City School District.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and have an urgent need, call or text 988. You may find additional Mental Health Resources by following this link.
Find Local Mental Health Service Providers by following this link.