District Bylaws & Policies
The following link includes the bylaws and policies approved by the Board of Education and implemented by the Superintendent. A bylaw is a rule of the Board of Education for its own governance, and a policy is a general, written statement by the governing board which defines its expectations or position on a particular matter and authorizes appropriate action that must or may be taken to establish and/or maintain those expectations.
Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes
Board minutes can only be posted when they have been approved by the Board. We make every effort to have the minutes approved at the following month's business meeting and to post the board minutes in a timely manner.
Agendas and Minutes for the Loveland City School District Board of Education can be accessed via the external service BoardDocs, through the link below. BoardDocs holds records from November 9, 2017, to the present.
Archived Agendas & Minutes
Agendas and Minutes for the Loveland City School District Board of Education prior to November 9, 2017, can be accessed in electronic form below.