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#beLOVEland Strategic Vision

Our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision is the result of many voices joining together to craft a shared vision for the Loveland City School District. Students, parents, community members, and staff have given feedback and engaged in great, student-focused conversations to create a shared set of goals for the future of our students. 

The first step in the process was revising our existing Portrait of a Tiger, which was created with community feedback several years ago. That document became “Our Loveland Tiger Students,” a shared set of goals and values for the students of Loveland City Schools. 

Community meetings and surveys helped focus the work of our Strategic Vision Design Team of 130 volunteers from across our community. Every person who volunteered for the Design Team was included, giving us many voices in the process. Design Team members met three times to provide more feedback as the vision began to take shape and the goal areas of Student Success, Collaborative Culture, Community Engagement, and Fiscal Responsibility emerged as the top priorities. 

As the Strategic Vision was coming together, more feedback was gathered from the community and the Design Team to bring additional focus to the work. Together, these discussions helped turn the priorities and hopes of our community into a strategic vision for Loveland City Schools.

This Strategic Vision will guide the district leadership’s decision-making in the coming years and serve as a measure of accountability. Together we have defined what it means for our students and district to be successful. Together we can work to help our students and the Loveland City School District achieve its vision of success for every student at the heart of education. 

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#beLOVEland Strategic Vision Tracking

Below is a public dashboard that tacks each of the four goals of our #beLOVEland Strategic Vision.

If the window below is not displaying properly on mobile, follow this link.